Projects for Light

Glass is the material of reference when a project involves light, and OmniDecor has dedicated products for this application.

When combined with LED light source, glass gives form and substance to the light: illuminated balustrades made of low iron glass, illuminated glass walkways or stairs, illuminated shelves, back-lit glass walls, lamps or light sources screened with diffusing glass - and many others - are only some of the applications where lighting sources can be positioned either behind or along the edges of the glass, depending on the sought desired effect.

low-iron glass dedicated to projects when the desired effect is an illuminated glass surface with the light source placed on the edge
DecorGem Light, opaline diffusing white glass, for diffusing light effect and the light source is placed behind the glass
DecorFlou Design, low-iron decorative glass, with the pattern enhanced by a light source placed on the edge
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