DecorFlou Stripes

OmniDecor privacy glass

Thanks to the succession of frosted stripes and clear stripes on both sides of the sheet, OmniDecor DecorFlou Stripes is an opaque glass capable of filtering images.

The visual effect obtained thanks to the stripes can be represented by the following map.

(image 1) cannot see through while standing in front of the glass
(image 2) a change in viewing point allows only partial sight through
(image 3) but never totally clear

DecorFlou Stripes is the OnmiDecor decorated glass ideal for glass partition walls, glass sliding doors and fixed glass separating elements.

It can be cut, polished and drilled like float glass, and can be tempered.
It is available in the following glass substrates: low iron float glass, grey float glass, bronze float glass. In order to guarantee the highest level of privacy, a greater thickness variety is recommended.
Contact us for information about our glass products and where to find them
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